I think I was numb the first two days in Israel. I was observing, taking notes, listening… but none of...
I think I was numb the first two days in Israel. I was observing, taking notes, listening… but none of...
If you haven’t noticed, I’m stuck on images of hunger and thirst after my trip. It’s a theme in everything...
My favorite food has changed over the years. When I was younger it was definitely ribs. I still love ribs,...
At the top! On our second day in Israel we took a hike straight up the face of a mountain....
“I daren’t come and drink,” said Jill. Then you will die of thirst,” said the Lion. Oh dear!” said Jill,...
On the Sea of Galilee! It’s 5:00am in Arizona and I’ve been up since 3:00. Perhaps sleeping 12 hours the...
After 27 hours of airports and travel we finally made it home from the other side of the world yesterday...
Hey friends – if you didn’t catch Friday’s post, let me fill you in. I’m currently in Israel on...
She’ma, Yisra’el Adonai Eloheynu, Adonai echad Ve-ahavta et Adonai Eloheykha bekhol-levavkha u-vekhol naf’sh‘kha u-vekhol me’odekha. Ve-ahavta le’re’akha ka-mohkha Hear, O...
I don’t know what keeps you captive to fear, but I do know that I have spent my share of...